Your Spiritual Life

As a hospice chaplain, I get two questions over and over again. The first is “What’s it like to die?” and the second, “Is there a heaven?” The truth is, of course, no one knows what comes after this physical life we are living. We can’t know til we get there. However, if you’re interested, anecdotal descriptions of life after death are in abundant supply. Raymond Moody has several books about it, and fairly recently Dr. Eben Alexander, a neurologist of all things, had an extraordinary near-death experience which he writes about in his remarkable book, Proof of Heaven, followed up by Living in a Mindful Universe, in which he discusses both the spiritual and scientific implications of his experience for the future of human consciousness.

Future posts will be meditations of my own and other writers. Some may be poems and great art you can use to contemplate upon. Some may be more educational in nature. From time to time I’ll include links to music. I’ll write about the different ways people meditate, with the hope that you’ll find one that fits for you.

I welcome comments, and if you want to sit down and talk to me about anything spiritual, any doubts and fears you may have, or hopes, please get in touch.

Peace and blessings,
